Monday, 9 May 2016

Speaker Diarization

Speaker Diarization is a task of finding who spokes when in a speech signal or audio wave. Actually this process is carried out without any prior information like number of speakers in an audio wave, and their identities.
Actually a basic speaker diarization have 3 steps
  1. Speech Activity Detection 
  2. Speaker Segmentatin 
  3. Speaker Clustering 
In Speaker activity detection, it will identify speech and non-speech regions and discard the non-speech from further processing of speaker diarization system. So it can be considered as a preprocessing step. Speaker segmentation step it will segment the speech signals according to speaker identities. In Speaker clustering, group the segments of same speaker into one cluster, so one cluster for each speaker at the end of the clustering. 

LIUM_SpkDiarization is a software dedicated to speaker diarization. You can download software from here and work.