From my previous post, I hope all of you know how to do tagging using TnT tagger.
To tag a file called test_file by the model tagged_file can be done by following command in terminal
$ ./tnt tagged_file test_fileAnd if we want to save the tagged file, attempt following cammand instead of above
$ ./tnt tagged_file test_file > output.txt
Here is an another way to tag test_file using via python code, here the tagged output can be stored in another file for future reference as above. Add the following lines to python script
import os
executable = '/home/ajuna/components/tnt/tnt' #path to tnt folder
= '/home/ajuna/components/tnt/tagged_file' #path to model named tagged_file
def run_tnt(input='tokenized_file', output='taggedoutput.txt'):
"call tnt from Linux"
tnt_command = '%s %s %s > %s' % (tnt_executable, tnt_model, input, output)
run_tnt('tagged_file', 'output.txt')